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CEOS MIM Greenhouse Gas Satellite Missions Portal

On behalf of ESA, JAXA, and CEOS, Symbios developed the MIM Database Greenhouse Gas Satellite Missions Portal, which aims to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date list of all current and planned satellite missions with the ability to measure greenhouse gases. This includes those planned and operated by both public and commercial organisations, as well as NGOs.

The Portal is based on data from the CEOS MIM Database and aims to support the analysis and planning of GHG measurement continuity by providing visualisation and export capabilities such as measurement timelines and tables of missions and instruments.

The Portal aims to support coordination and planning of initiatives world-wide that are seeking to exploit these valuable data in support of emission reduction measures. It should assist those researching which data sources may be suitable for their information needs and can provide a basis for the high-level coordination needed among space agencies and other data providers to ensure that society has continuity of these key measurements into the future in support of our long-term climate data records and processes such as the Global Stocktake of the Paris Agreement.

At the heart of the Paris Agreement is an understanding that governments will develop and meet GHG emission reduction targets. The global community recognises the need for urgent and collective actions on the mitigation of GHG emissions if we are to limit global warming. Data and knowledge of global GHG emissions, trends and sources will become increasingly important to support national and international climate policymaking. Transparent reporting processes will demand more and better data to satisfy society’s needs, and satellite Earth observation (EO) has the potential to play a critical role to support policymakers at the intersection between science and action. EO satellites are increasingly capable of monitoring GHG emissions with precision, accuracy, resolution, and coverage needed to support policymakers at all levels, from the sub-national and national level for the establishment and operation of national GHG inventories, through to the global reconciliation and accounting processes that will seek to match aggregated national reports with the latest global observations. Refer to the CEOS Global Stocktake Portal for more information on relevant datasets.

This resource is a product of the overall Greenhouse Gas Roadmap being implemented by CEOS and CGMS agencies.

Earth Observation Handbook 2023

Symbios is pleased to share the 2023 edition of the Earth Observation (EO) Handbook, which is timed to coincide with the first Global Stocktake (GST) of the Paris Agreement.

The purpose of this Handbook is to help develop a broad understanding of the importance of satellite EO for all stakeholders in the GST process.

We seek to address the major questions that might be faced by different user types when approaching the application of EO satellite data for their climate-related challenges and reporting obligations.

The aim is to provide practical examples and leads for further investigation so that the potential of the data available from the world’s EO satellites is fully realised.

The Earth Observation Handbook is researched and written by Symbios, with valuable contributions from numerous subject matter experts.

CEOS UNFCCC Global Stocktake Portal

This page provides an entry point for access to the datasets and guidance being developed by CEOS space agencies and partners in support of the goals of the Global Stocktake process of the Paris Climate Agreement.

Symbios worked with CEOS and partners to compile the first version of the portal in 2021. It was updated in October 2022 with a new ‘User Stories and Inspiration’ section to explore how these datasets have been successfully applied by users and countries.

2023 Update: CEOS MIM Database

The CEOS Database is updated annually based on a survey of CEOS member space agencies and has a number of applications:

  • Information sharing in support of the coordination of future Earth observation mission, instrument and measurements plans.
  • Earth observation measurement gap analysis – including that performed by the CEOS Systems Engineering Office (SEO).
  • A connection between the Earth observation user community and satellite-operating agencies of CEOS.
  • Generation of content for the print edition of The Earth Observation Handbook.

Symbios has just completed the update for 2023 on behalf of ESA and in cooperation with CEOS member space agencies.

GEO Week 2022

Symbios supported the CEOS Systems Engineering Office (SEO) with the CEOS exhibition booth at GEO Plenary in Ghana (Oct. 31 to Nov. 4, 2022). The team traveled to represent CEOS Agencies and working teams and spread news of CEOS activities including on climate action, CEOS Analysis-Ready Data, Open Data Cube, support to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and efforts supporting disaster risk reduction.

The SEO team supported several side meetings and led a session on the Open Data Cube Sandbox, focused on the SDGs and disasters. The SEO also participated in sessions on Digital Earth Africa and GEO post-2025.

CEOS Database Report: Q3 2022

The Earth Observation Handbook, prepared by Symbios for the European Space Agency (ESA) in support of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS), presents the main capabilities of satellite Earth observations, their applications, and a comprehensive overview of present and planned civil space agency Earth observation satellite missions and their instruments. The database which serves as the foundation for the missions, instruments, and measurements information at the heart of the Handbook content is updated annually and is always available online at:

This report provides a summary of key mission activities from the past quarter (Jul – Sep, 2022), and the coming two quarters (Oct, 2022 – Mar, 2023).

Download: PDF | JPEG

UK-Australia Cal-Val Space Bridge

This is the final report on a project led by Symbios (Australia), with support from Frontier SI (Australia) and Assimila (UK), with the objective of exploring opportunities for collaboration between the UK and Australia focused on the calibration and validation aspects of EO satellite missions, and seeking to identify opportunities and specific projects for follow-up.